Saturday, September 22, 2012

In The Beginning................

........Who would have ever thought it??  Me, a blogger........not me, never in a million years!!!!  Well, guess what??  I have decided to give this a try!  I have actually been thinking about it for a long time.  My life has taken so many turns lately that I can hardy keep up with it myself, much less for anyone else to know what is going on!  The Lord has done many things for me in my lifetime, and especially now in this season of my life, He is working in wondrous ways........and I want to be sure and keep track of all of it.  So I thought, what better way to do this than to blog about it........that way I can keep a journal of everything and share it with my family and friends if I want to.  I love playing on the computer so it was kind of fun getting started and setting this up!  I never thought when computers first came out that I would be very good at it, but now I actually think that I am quite computer savvy........well, maybe!  ;-)  I got a new Smartphone last month, and my daughter actually said to me, "welcome to the world, Mom" see, I am coming along with all of this technology!  Then my son said to me the other night that I should try my hand at a blog, so with all of that, I decided that it was time!  I will be sharing mostly the things that the Lord is doing for me, and of course, I will have to talk about my family........after all, it is a rite of passage for a grandmother, or for me, a "Mimi!"  ;-)  I love taking pictures and I love scrapbooking, so I am sure that there will be plenty of that to go around also!  In any case, I hope that someone out there will follow me, and maybe even receive a blessing from God by reading about what He is doing in my life.  I am looking forward to sharing with you all, and hope to hear back from some of you!  In the meantime, I will leave you with a picture of my sweet little kitty cat, Abbie, whom I dearly love (she loves the computer also), and these words from God:  "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV 


  1. I, for one, am not at all surprised by this. I am so proud of you! and I love what you have written. Keep it going. I found out quickly that it is much easier to be happy with a post then not do it again for awhile than it is to remember to keep up a rhythm and post on a regular basis. But to grow a readership, you need to set a time table for yourself and then keep to it. Plus, your writing will improve as your write more and more. God bless you, dear. You are a precious person and and more people need to discover the wonder that is you.

  2. Good job and good for you, Paulette. Look forward to reading more in the future. Don't do like me..I procrastinate.. with all the grandies you'll have lots to write about as well as what God is doing in your life.
    God loves you.. but of course you know that.. and so do I.
