Saturday, July 6, 2013



I had a few days of vacation time, and it was so nice to be able to go and visit with absolutely nothing to do except visit and enjoy the family!  Usually my trips are just a quick overnight visit with an appointment being the primary reason for travel, but this time I had no appointments, and was free to just enjoy the children and grandchildren, and actually rest!  Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Joseph, Lillie, and Josiah, because they now live in DC........but I am so glad that they are now so much closer to me and I will get to see them more often!  I miss them alot, and hope to get to see them sometime really soon.  My baby boy is getting so big and growing so fast........he already weighs "20" pounds!  I will include a picture of him that Joseph sent to me so that all of my grandchildren are included in this post!  This trip was primarily centered around Luke's birthday party, as well as a chance to get to know my newest granddaughter, Abigail Joy.  His birthday is actually on May 30th, but the family was just getting back from China to bring Abbie home, so LeighAnn scheduled his party for June 29th, after things settled down a little!  Abbie is doing well, still having some adjusting to do, but for the most part she is hanging in!  Luke is really into fishing these days, so he wanted to have his party centered around a "fishing" theme.  LeighAnn and David have some very good friends who have a stocked lake behind their house, so that is where his party was held........he and his friends went fishing and we had a picnic.  They had a great time!  On Friday we all went swimming at the pool, and it was wonderful; on Saturday we had Luke's birthday party; on Sunday, I had the privilege of worshiping with the family at Berachah Bible Church, and then on Sunday afternoon, Luke and I went on his "birthday date" to McDonald's and the movies; Monday was a pool day again, and then off to the airport to head back home!  It was a relaxing, fun-filled five days, and I am so grateful for the break and for time spent with the family!  So, here are the pictures from my visit........hope that you enjoy!

My little E-Bear is fearless!

Ethan jumping again!

Luke's Cannonball!

Nathan making a splash!

They got Mommy's float!

Linnea making her splash!

Precious Abigail Joy

Abbie is all smiles!

Luke is proud of his first fish!

Luke and his fish!
Nathan with his catch!

Dad helping Nathan with his catch!

Ethan fishing!

Patiently waiting....

Daddy holding up Ethan's big catch!

Kids eating at the picnic!

Luke opening gifts!

Yeah, it's in a camo bag!

Luke reading his card!
Luke's Fishing Cake
Making A Wish....

....Blowing out the candles!

Sunday photo-op with Mimi and the little ones!

Mimi and her babies!

Mimi and Luke on his "Birthday Date" 

Joseph reading to Josiah! Can't wait to see him again!


1 comment:

  1. What fun seeing and reading about your grandies. They are like mine, growing right before our eyes. Glad you could spend some time just enjoying them. I went over today for Daniel's 11th birthday's really great being able to watch them grow now instead of only seeing them a few times a year. Josiah is too cute and I have loved watching how he looks so much like first one family member and then another. Until your next blog, blessings and joy wished for you.
    With love, Jean
