Sunday, November 25, 2012

THE 27th ANNIVERSARY................

................OF THE DAY THAT CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER.  November 18th is a day that will be forever etched in my heart.  I will spare you the details, as most of you already know them anyway........suffice it to say that this is the anniversary of the day that my beloved went home to be with His Lord and Savior.  This day is always a very hard day for me, but this year I was a little worried about it being extra hard since I am away from all of my family.  So, I set out in my mind before it got here, to make sure that I stayed extra busy and that I would keep my mind occupied with happy thoughts.  Of course it was rough, but as usual, God intervened and helped me through it.  Just as one example:  I was on the computer at some point during the day when I was feeling kind of low, and I decided to read my daughter, LeighAnn's blog post for that day.  Well, it was a story about a conversation between her and the boys regarding her father's death and his whereabouts as of now.  I don't mean that it was anything distasteful, it was just a story taken from their little minds and how they comprehended the whole situation.  Needless to say, it was hilarious........I found myself laughing out loud the whole time I was reading it, and in fact, had to read it over again because it was so funny!  If you get the chance, and would like to read the story, you can find it on her blog at:  What truly amazes me is that those boys had no idea that the anniversary of his homegoing would be the next day when they started asking questions about him, and honestly, LeighAnn did not even make the correlation of the dates when she posted the conversation.  I firmly believe that it was God's way of providing some lightheardedness for me in answer to my prayers for ways to cope that day!  He definitely does work in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform!  It was a tough day, but in so many ways God provided for me, as He always does, and I got through it just fine.  I had alot of friends thinking of me and praying for me that day, which reminds me of that blessing of friendship that I spoke about in one of my earlier blog posts.  I am attaching a picture of the love of my life, my very best friend.  I am so grateful for the time that we did have together here on this earth, even though it was short........and I am most grateful that He is with our Lord and Savior, and that we will be together again one day!  Thank you all for love to each of you!

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